rocord's roblox audio downloader

this is a tool that allows you to download roblox audios by their asset id.

this tool has two modes, protected mode and unprotected mode.

protected mode

protected mode is used to download private audios (you do not need to be the owner of the audio), you will need to provide your .ROBLOSECURITY cookie, and an allowlisted roblox game ID for this to work.

To get your .ROBLOSECURITY cookie, follow these steps:

Navigate to in your browser and open the dev tools (right-click and select "Inspect"). Navigate to the "Application" tab, then look for "Cookies" under "Storage" in the left-hand sidebar. Under "Cookies", select "" then select ".ROBLOSECURITY" from the list of cookies. Copy the value from the "Cookie Value" section.

unprotected mode

unprotected mode is used to download public audios, you can just pass the audio ID.


to use this tool, send a POST request to this URL

request headers:

RobloSecurity (protected only): The header containing your .ROBLOSECURITY cookie (string)
GameID (protected only): Contains an allowlisted game ID for the audio (int)
AudioID: The ID of the audio (int)
Mode: The mode to use when downloading the audio ("protected" or "unprotected")


your cookie is never stored on any server or logged, only used to make a temporary one-time request to Roblox's servers.